Thursday, May 28, 2009

tired of feeling guilty

The to-do list has become a little overwhelming as of late. I need to find a way to get to the end of my to-d0 list, or accept that I can't be in 10 places at the same time, prioritize, and get over it. A few things....

1. My laundry goes from the dryer to my hamper then worn. My clothes rarely make it to the closet or the drawer, and i REALLLLY want to be one of those people that organizes their clothes by color, that presses them before they're hung, that matches their socks, that knows where "that shirt" is...I've tried, honest I have.

2. I've had a toothache for the past two weeks and I'm too stubborn to go to the dentist. I hate the dentist, and I can honestly say, my dentist hates me. I swear his voice drops every time he hears me on the other line. But I have this pang of guilt every time I eat something, swear to make an appointment, and don't follow through.

3. I need to either learn how to speak French with Bamba (my west African French tutor) or just skip it. My French books look at me, all dusty and such, and yell." YOU! YOU THERE! Je ne parle pas FRENCH?! NO, no you DON'T!" Something needs to be done about talking books...

4. Which brings me to the pile of books next to my bed that have been neglected. I was on a roll, then I wasn't. Now Ayn Rand has taken permanent residency under my lamp, collecting dust. I need to read it, or give it back.

5. The chairs that I swore would be recovered in weeks still remain, uncovered and shedding stuffing almost a year later. Honestly em, is it that hard? You covered a sectional couch in a WEEKEND, I think you can handle the chairs. Just not enough time.

6. Credit card debt. I think that's enough said. I made some bad travel decisions, some bad clothes decisions, and well....bad, bad decisions in the past 5 years that surface as a monthly reminder on the 15th and 22nd of every month.

7. Biggest disappointment of the spring, my garden. I had this big plan to create beds with half veggies and half flowers. No such garden had materialized (however, to give credit where it's due, my flower box is choc' full o' pansies). I really need to decide if it's going to happen before Europe.

8. Cooking for myself has always been a chore that I've avoided. I'm the queen of eating at restaurants, boxes of mac and cheese, and take-out sandwiches for lunch. The half of it is always working in restaurants, but now that i'm (gasp) getting older, I've considered buckling down and cooking. I hate the idea of it. I hate food shopping. As Leah tells me, I snack shop, not food shop.

9. My lack of a home office or personal computer. It's really getting old.

Despite all the guilt, things that I can be happy for...
1) I'm painting like a mad woman
2) My traveling dream is happening in less than 28 days
3) The boys and I finally have some more quality time
4) I started rowing again
5) I'm going to more shows than I have in years

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