Tuesday, June 9, 2009


This past weekend my partner in downtown crime was kind enough to accompany me to the old ceremony concert. It's been my deep dark secret dream to perform on stage. Not in the stripper way, but in the iplayanintrumentandsingallatthesametime kind of talent. Dream=realized this past sunday. Well, kinda ;) I got to play tambourine for one of my favorite bands during one of my favorite songs. It was damn near perfect.

Four gin and tonics later Lana and I were chatting up the band and generally being charming. Thank god Lana has tact, because she grabbed me by the belt and threw me out of the concert right after I passed my suave and charming peak, and before the words started jumbling, or confessions of love started to flow. A trip to the karaoke bar and a bowl of cheesefries later we called it a night. What can I say, we're classy broads.

The next day I headed to the beach for my first day of the season. Oh fun in the sun, swimming in the ocean, building sand people, drinking PBR, taking naps on the beach....fuck. Naps on the beach. I'm pail, very pail. I'm pretty sure I've been told that one shade decrease would result in clear skin. I woke up after a twenty minute nap with the most painful sunburn to date.

I've been sleeping and working on my stomach for the past two days, and trying, oh so desperately, to explain to Puck why he can't jump on me. So confused ("Mom?! you don't LOVE ME?!?!"). I must say, I'm a little pathetic, and felt oh so sheepish when I had to approach my boss and ask to work from home because my ass and thighs were LITERALLY on fire. Thank god for understanding employers with daughters.

In other exciting news, I finally bought myself one of those snazzy, skinny, digital camera's, so before you know it more pictures will be involved in the blogging. Excellent. To be continued...

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