I promise that I've considered posting in the past 15 days, but never followed through. Before I forget...Oscar party!
Sean Penn won for Milk, I cried like an infant after his acceptance speech. If you haven't heard it, be sure to check it out. My lady crush, Kate Winslet, also won for best actress. I was disappointed that SlumDog swept the show. By the end of the night I was throwing chips and brie at the TV. Damn award winning children...
Upside:I still fit in my prom dress (circa 2002, and many...many gin martini's later)! And Wheeler wore a matching tie. What a guy!
Good times had by all, thank you friends for humoring me, adhering to the dress code, and walking my red carpet. You're all academy award winners to me.
I love that you had an Oscar party with a dress code! I read about that in Racheal Ray's magazine while waiting in the check-out isle.
You all look so fabulous! I wish I could have been there, but I enjoyed sipping the bubbly and flinging brie vicariously through you.
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